For Registered Trainees,  to pay $1499 balance

Please click Right Button "Buy Now".  Please be advised if you are paying for another person (other than you), please make a note:  Pay for someone ( the name of person you are paying for)

Workshop Package Fee  $4,500.

Please click Right Button "Buy Now".

2013 Copyright @ Healthcare Information Technology Organization 

We are Non Profit Organization approved by California State Government.   If you would like to support our mission and activities, You may  donate any amount  or $100, $200, $300.  We appreciate your donation that will be of help to make a better California and America.  

Our Vision

In Support of  more efficient,  effective, healthcare with equality, interoperability by engaging patient and family; contribute to an even stronger, healthier, and more prosperous America in the years to come.

To donate  $100 please click the right button.  We appreciate your donation to make a better California and America.  

For Registered Trainees,  to pay $300 first, 

Please click Right Button "Buy Now".  Please be advised if you are paying for another person (other than you), please make a note:  Pay for someone ( the name of person you are paying for)

For Registered Trainees,  to pay $7000 balance Please click Right Button "Buy Now".  Please be advised if you are paying for another person (other than you), please make a note:  Pay for someone ( the name of person you are paying for)

Healthcare Information 
Technology Support 

is much urgently needed as a paramount role in current eHealth and Health Information Exchange(HIE) in disparate facilities and levels in the U.S.

To donate  ANY amount you like  please click the right button.  We appreciate your donation to make a better California and America.  

To donate  $200 please click the right button.  We appreciate your donation to make a better California and America.  

Our Mission

dedicated for  New Framework Plan and Deployment, Big Data, Cloud Computing and Implementation of eHealth. Allocate IT and Health Science knowledge and human resources for  fast growing market.

To donate  $300 please click the right button.  We appreciate your donation to make a better California and America.  

If you need donation deduction document for tax report , please fill out the form below. We will email you the document to you ASAP or in 3 business days. 


Copyright ©  Healthcare IT Support Organization 2013, 2014,  2015, 2016

 for Better  Info Exchange and More Efficient Healthcare to Meet Current and Future Needs of U.S. Industry

in Compliance with HIPAA and Affordable Care Act as well as mitigation of Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Exchange.