Our Mission

dedicated for  New Framework Plan and Deployment, Big Data, Cloud Computing and Implementation of eHealth. Allocate IT and Health Science knowledge and human resources for  fast growing market.
Copyright ©  Healthcare IT Support Organization 2013, 2014,  2015, 2016
  • Date Exchange, Cloud Computing,   Big Data, .
  • Meshed Framework Development and Implementation
  • Allocate IT and Health Science knowledge and human resources for  fast growing market. 

     We Promote and support

About Us

Our Vision

In Support of  more efficient,  effective, healthcare with equality, interoperability by engaging patient and family; contribute to an even stronger, healthier, and more prosperous America in the years to come.
Healthcare Information 
Technology Support 

is much urgently needed as a paramount role in current eHealth and Health Information Exchange(HIE) in disparate facilities and levels in the U.S.

Proud in support of below and beyond

We  are  to support  all  healthcare fields from  local, regional , statewide to national healthcare information exchange and interoperability,  from ambulatory and impatient healthcare providers to healthcare insurers, franchise hospitals,  Health Institutes as well as provide training service to those unemployed and employed who want  to be more competent. 
We are comprised of  national medical and information technology expertise that can help perform deployment of Healthcare IT Infrastructure and Blueprint,   optimize and tune system and network performance, redesign workflow and process, customize modules for disparate clinical utilization, tech support for end user and troubleshoot issues of both  hardware and software. We provide service and support to healthcare and health enterprise framework and network as well as application  development, deployment, implementation, test, redesign, modification,  education  and training to  the inexperienced  as well as the experienced to become healthcare entities  technicians and personnel  to satisfy  growing needs of health industry. 

Our expertise from healthcare and medical information technology industrial experience with higher academic education and knowledge could see through the complexity deep for better efficient  solution.

 for Better  Info Exchange and More Efficient Healthcare to Meet Current and Future Needs of U.S. Industry

in Compliance with HIPAA and Affordable Care Act as well as mitigation of Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Exchange.

Heath Level Seven HL7 Standard

ICD-9 and upcoming ICD-10 Classification


Health Insurance Portability

and Accountability Act

Affordable Healthcare Act

American National Standards Institue

IEEE Advanced Technology for Humanity

eHealth Network Architecture  

Virtualization Information Technology Framework,  Strategy and Deployment